Judging & the Judge's Role
The Tournament of the Golden Swan is open to all female personas from throughout the Known World. Each lady will be tested on her ability to create and project an authentic and logical historically based persona existing between roughly 450 and 1600 A.D. For this competition, personas should be assumed to be of noble birth, and of any geographic area. However, cultures and time periods outside the normal range of the SCA may require more preparation on the part of the judges.
Judging will be done in the categories listed below. Golden Swan applicants must enter the eight required categories and two of the three optional categories.
Anyone may enter individual competitions, but only those previously accepted applicants have the chance to attain the Golden Swan Medallion. In order to attain the medallion each applicant must be successful in all twelve of the categories entered.
The role of judge for this competition is one of factfinder, it is a nurturing and growth position. The judges should learn about the culture presented as well as seeking out possible areas of ill-preparation. We are not grand inquisitors nor do we have all of the possible applications of information at our fingertips. We, as judges, do have the responsibility of maintaining a high standard of excellence for this competition. It is not an easy task.
Following is a brief description of the judging scale, how judging is done, and a description of the criteria for each category for judging purposes.
Each competition is rated on a one (1) to ten (10) scale of excellence. One (1) is a very low score; ten (10) is a very high score. An average score would be considered five (5). In order for a Golden Swan Applicant to attain a Medallion, she will need to attain a minimum of seven (7) in each competition. There are no longer bonus points. For the criteria used as a guide for each category, use the navigation link at left for Criteria.
Each competition will have a minimum of two (2) judges, including a representative of Appledore and a Golden Swan. The judging slips (to write notes or an awarded score on) are confidential -- no one is allowed access to them except the judges of the specific competition, the Swan autocrat, and the Appledore Seneschal. Once all the Competitions have been finished, a conclave of all the judges, the Appledore Seneschal, and all present Golden Swans will be held. At that time, the spokesperson for each competition will give the results of each entrant for their respective competition. The spokesperson may at that time give additional information deemed relevant to the competition. Others present, if having observed relevant information, may also have the floor to comment. All discussion during this time is confidential, and has no place being discussed after the conclave ends.
At the end of the conclave the Swan Autocrat or Appledore Seneschal burns all judging slips.
It has been accepted procedure that after the conclave no one keeps tack of the score obtained by the applicants or other entrants in the competitions. "No Golden Swan is more of a Golden Swan because of their score," ALL ARE EQUAL.
After the Conclave the Swan Applicants are told whether they passed the competition or not. They are not told their score. They are told, if they ask, their strengths and weaknesses. They are always welcome to discuss their attempt with a Golden Swan at a later date.
No applicant is judged against another. They are judged against the information they provide and themselves.