Golden Swan Judging Criteria by Category
1) Persona Creation
1 – No documentation or very inaccurate research or documentation.
5 – The information is within period, accurate to person and complete in requested information.
7 – Complete, accurate, in period for the persona, documentation provided, well detailed social and personal history, able to maintain persona during competitions
10 – Same as 7, plus ability to deal with other people while in persona, able to stay in persona all weekend
2) Correspondence (Communication at a Distance)
1 – The script or alphabet style is blatantly modern or out of period, use of blatantly modern or inappropriate materials
5 – The work looks authentic but obviously inauthentic materials were used
7 – the work is done on appropriate materials, scribing tools are authentic, the script is appropriate, layout and text are appropriate to persona period and culture
10 – special effort has been made to use period materials and techniques, including page layout
3) Skills and Technologies
1 – Not a period craft/activity
5 – Mostly modern craft or activity with some relation to period pursuits
7 – Mostly period craft or activity using modern tools/skills/materials in an appropriate way
10 – Period craft/activity using period tools/skills/materials
4) Costume
1- Blatantly modern elements in design, fabric, assembly
5 – Looks authentic, but inauthentic elements in design, colour, fabric, etc. (i.e., “theatre costume,” fake layers)
7 – Authentic in both look and feel, period colours, materials are period or close construction is appropriate to period
10 – Same as 7, plus special effort to achieve total period effect (for example, all hand-sewn or hand-made embellishment, accessories made by entrant, or entirely period construction techniques)
5) Textile and Fibre Arts (was Needlework)
1 – non-period item, doubtful elements, items or design
5 – Some period elements, use of appropriate materials, motifs or construction
7 – Period elements, materials, construction, design
10 - Totally period piece. Use of proper materials, period colours, motifs, construction, technique, as well as excellence of execution. Consistent to period and place of persona.
6) Everyday Life
1 – No attempt at authentic information, no ability to explain or outline daily routine or fit in with available research on the period or culture
5 – Information is suitable to period and culture of persona, some ability to detail routine, describe life
7 – Solid research demonstrated, good working knowledge of daily routines, life in persona’s period and place, understanding of class and lifestyle
10 – superb knowledge of routines, ability to describe life through anecdotes, clear descriptions, play, gestures, other non-verbal ways of expressing a deep sense of life as this person in the course of the day – for example, using gestures to demonstrate cooking or chores, personalized anecdotes based on period sources
7) Food
1 – Inaccurate information, non-period sources
5 – basic knowledge of food types, sources of food
7 – accurate information about types of food, food sources, who cooks, where and when food is eaten, seasonal availability
10- all of 7 plus detailed understanding and ability to convey taste, opinion, information about food – for example, anecdotes, preparation of food from period sources, detailed accounts of feasts or fasts
8) Habitat
1 – inaccurate information, non-period sources
5 – basic knowledge of housing, geography, architecture
7 – detailed accurate knowledge of housing, geography (in relation to persona), who lives nearby, some knowledge of materials and construction, how waste is handled, sources of water
10 – detailed specific knowledge as in 7, plus personalized anecdotes, opinion, ability to convey information in a convincing way
Optional Categories (Select 2 out of 3)
9) Games and Pastimes
1 – blatantly modern in material choice or misinterpretation of rules of play
5 – most of game or pastime elements are appropriate, able to play and explain basic procedures
7 – elements are appropriate to period, shows proficiency and ability to teach or explain games or pastimes
10 – special care is taken to enhance authenticity. In addition to 7, handmade boards, game pieces or objects, materials appropriately period in construction
10) Performance
1 – blatantly modern in choice of material, music, dance or misinterpretation of content, material not period
5 – most performance elements are appropriate to the material, performance environment, persona time period and culture
7 – All performance elements are appropriate to the material, time period and culture, all are appropriate to performance environment, environment suitable to persona period and culture
10 – In addition to 7, special care is taken to enhance authenticity, (i.e., period instrumental accompaniment, period costumes, props, embellishments)
11) Survival Skills
1 – not period skill, skill unsuitable for persona period or culture
5 – period skill, suitable for persona period and culture
7 – period skill, well incorporated into persona, documentation provided for use of technique, weapon, skill for persona
10 – above average proficiency with weapon, skill, technique, in addition to all elements of 7